Project Description
Location: Polk, Benton, Marion, and Linn counties, Oregon
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is completely rebuilding the 24-mile Salem-Albany No. 1 and the 28-mile Salem-Albany No. 2 wood-pole transmission lines. The lines run from Salem to Albany, Oregon, through Polk, Benton, Marion, and Linn counties. The project includes replacing all components of the two transmission lines, including the wood poles and conductors (existing fiber on both lines would remain). Associated activities will include improving, acquiring, and building access roads and removing danger trees. The project is needed due to the age and deterioration of the two lines. The No. 2 line was completed in 2016, and the No. 1 line begins May 1, 2017.
The Salem-Albany No. 1 includes replacement of all structures including the river crossing lattice towers. Many structures have been relocated to the center of the ROW and others will be replaced by steel monopoles.
K2 environmental provides both environmental and land liaison services for the No.1 and No. 2 lines. The environmental component of the project includes, rare plant, wetland, and threatened bird protection, erosion control mitigation, spill reporting, SWPPP writing and inspection and revegetation. The land liaison responsibilities include notifying landowners of construction plans and scheduling, and providing support to BPA and the contractor in relation to landowner concerns and requests, harvest and irrigation scheduling and restoration.